Up to this
point, I have mostly been associated with the Conversation Section of
my university's English Club, for basically no other reason than that
they happened to pick me up first. And that's fine, because most of
them are pretty cool, and I've managed to make some genuine friends
after sifting through the weirdos and the Anglophiles. But, hey, I
decided not to formally join the club because I wanted to keep myself
open for other opportunities, right?
The main
quirk that sets Guide apart from the other two sections is that from
time to time on weekends they take groups of foreigners to various
sightseeing spots around Kyouto. You would logically think that at
least a few members would therefore be aspiring tour guides, but I
have yet to meet one. They shouldn't be hard to find, either,
considering that it is for some reason larger than the other two
combined, with over fifty members. It seems that originally there no
divisions, but they got divvied up when the three foreign English
teachers started having differences of opinion, one exchange leading
to a fistfight and subsequent restraining order, which I can only
imagine means that staff meetings are conducted by handwritten notes
and teaching schedules arranged by awkward phone call, so that the
two in question can maintain the requisite distance. All three then
followed this up by utterly losing interest in their respective
sections and never involving themselves with their day-to-day affairs
ever again, rendering the whole differentiation thing meaningless.
But I had
heard reports that besides this key difference they were otherwise
functionally identical to Conversation, which turned out to be
completely untrue. Both sections utilise the "speech," whose
actual English meaning would imply a single participant reciting
something in front of the group but is used here to indicate pair
work in which one partner rambles on about some completely trivial
topic for a little while before being interrogated on their
assertions, then switching roles. Some of Conversation's typical
activities are free talking, light role-playing, and 2-minute
speeches. Guide Section discussed an English news story, translated a
passage of a difficult book, and did 5-minute speeches.
In short,
Guide Section is more like a study group, and Conversation Section is
more a place to dick around as much as possible. Guide's topic of
discussion tonight was "Kyouto," Conversation's was "which
is a better place for a first date, a horserace or a hotel." You
can probably guess that I will not be visiting Guide Section too
terribly often in future, as well as which one I observe to have the
higher aggregate level of English ability.
don't even dare delve into Discussion Section, whose section chief
also heads English Club overall. They're said to be strict as a
classroom and run until 10 pm. On the other hand, there's one cutie
who may possibly lure me in, though I am receiving mixed reports on
her, one girl telling me "I know her pretty well, and she's a
little loose," and another saying, "I've only talked to her once,
but she definitely isn't," leaving me at a loss as to what to
believe, not that I mind anyway.
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